Monday, January 31, 2011

World's largest slip and slide made out of a reservoir - VIDEO

Yes, this giant slip and slide is in a half empty reservoir. Or half full reservoir... depending on how you look at it.  Either way the slip and slide is huge!  I don't know, but that water looks friggin cold... almost icey.  You won't catch me riding that slip and slide any time soon.

Get one of these old school slip and slides if you got the urge from this video.

Free The Robots - Ctrl Alt Delete (2010 Tour Promo Mix)

I was listening to some beats at work and had to share this. It helped change the lil funk I was in from the overcast, dreary morning. Free the Robots are pretty dope.

Ctrl Alt Delete (2010 Tour Promo Mix) by Free the Robots

Free the Robots are from Santa Ana I believe. They have a funky, jazzy, robotic sound. I first got turned on to them a few years ago when I heard Jazzhole. I love their stuff. Gimme more!

Morning Sex is good for you

“Adults who make love first thing in the morning apparently not only feel more upbeat for the rest of the day, but also benefit from a stronger immune system. Research suggests that adults who begin their day this way are healthier and happier than those who simply opt for a cup of tea and some toast before heading out of the door.”

Source: Instapundit

Pool at the edge of the bed

I saw this picture on Home Sweet Home today.

The pool looks like it is inside the bedroom. It almost looks like you can jump off the bed into the pool. It's actually glass flooring so you can see the water below. Awesome! I want that!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nirvana Nevermind Album cover, remember it?

Spencer Elden is the baby that was on the cover of the album Nevermind from Nirvana.  Holy balls he's grown up.

Dayum, I remember sitting in freshman math class and my buddy, Marty Gutierrez, showing me that he got it.  That was what? 20 years ago?

Am I supposed to feel old seeing what Spencer Elden looks like now?  Maybe a little, but I didn't even know his name prior to today.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Watsky, the fast rapping white kid

Not Sure who or where this kid is from, but I like it.  I did a quick search for Watsky and found his myspace page and his name is George Watsky.  He grew up in SF and now resides in in LA.  He's won a lot of awards and contests.  Now he's getting some notoriety as "white kid raps fast" with this viral video.  Watsky, rapping fast, with his cat.

Highly recommended.  I'd also recommend downloading his self titled album, Watsky. I'm going to give it a go because of his gay baby lyric.

"...if my baby's gay I'll say, You go gay baby! Work that Crib! Work that bib! Burp that kid!" 

If an arrow had a review mirror - VIDEO

What would it look like if you shot an arrow that had a rear view mirror?  To me arrows flying through the sky look very graceful.  After seeing it from the arrows perspective it looks a little... dizzying.  I have a small archery range in my back yard.  I need to get one of these set ups for my bow and arrow.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cop get tasered, screams like a girl - Video

I don't know what country this cop is from, but wow!  If you taser this police office he will scream just like a little girl.  hahaha I can't stop giggling.

Poor cop.  Why did he sign up to get tasered if he knew he would have this reaction?  Screaming like a girl?

Oldie, but goody. Anjelah Johnson's nail salon bit

Here is Anjelah Johnson's nail salon bit.  Hearing Vietnamese accents is pretty common around San Jose.  I think that may play a role in mine. hahaha


Sunday, January 16, 2011

PS3 for $40 - the old fat ones

Playstation 3for $40.  Ok, this is legit. My roommate, Kevin, and his buddy just bought like 7 of these.  Playstation 3 for $40.  It's the old fat ones, but who cares.  The older fat ones are the ones that are backwards compatible.  You can save way more money by getting the fat PS3 and getting an external hard drive.  What a great find.  I'm in for a few of these things.  Seriously, It's from amazon.  You know it's real

  EDIT:  Just  found out a couple of things.  First, there is a limit to three.  Second, they are on backorder.  No big deal to me.  Three Playstation 3's for about $180 after shipping.  NICE!

EDIT 2:  I got in for three and my roommate for six.  

It was an error on Target's end.  Their web team listed a move controller incorrectly as a PS3 for $40.  Amazon says Target must honor that price.  NICE!   Sorry if you missed it.  

Friday, January 14, 2011

I am no longer a sex machine Scorpio, the Zodiac sign has changed

I'm not a Scorpio? WTF?  I am now a Libra.  The scales???  That sucks.  It was Professor Plum in the observatory with the scale???  There has been an astronomical change in the Zodiac.  The change is the Earth's orbit and the shifting of the stars.  This includes a 13th zodiac sign, Ophiuchus, which may be a new zodiac sign, but has always been a constellation.

In fact, there are two zodiacs.  There is a the Sideral and the Tropical Zodiac.  The Sideral Zodiac is traditionally adhered to by the Eastern Hemisphere.  The Western Hemisphere traditionally follows the Tropical Zodiac.

Sign of Ophiucus aka  Asclepius Staff
Ophiuchus is also known as Serpentarius.  This constellation can be found behind the sun between November 29 and December 17.  I'm not too sure about all of the character traits of this new zodiac sign.  You're on your own to find out if that's you.  Below is the new dates for each zodiac sign.

Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
Pisces: March 11-April 18.
Aries: April 18-May 13.
Taurus: May 13-June 21.
Gemini: June 21-July 20.
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17. *NEW*
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PS3 Hacked w/ FAIL0VERFLOW demo video

Currently the PlayStation 3 like Red Dead Revolver. Read: the Wild Wild West. PS3's master key has been published online.  There is also custom firmware that allows you to use copied games.  You can easily find copies of games and custom software online.  I bet you could guess that Sony is NOT happy with this.  Sony Corporation is asking the courts for a temporary restraining order to take all of the software and infringing keys offline.  The main targets are a dude named George Hotz, the FAIL0VERFLOW group, and 100 unnamed John or Jane Does.

Want to buy a cheap plastation 3 to hack?

Marshawn Lynch vs Super Mario Bros

I am definitely not a Seahawks fan. Marshawn Lynch was ok, but as soon as he became a Seahawk he became an enemy.  That's just the way it is with division  opponents. No hard feelings Marshawn. As if, Mr. Lynch will see this any way. hahaha

This video is from Sundays game as they beat up the Saints at home.  This is the way I saw it.  Marshawn Lynch was running down the field just like Mario runs through the levels collecting coins and punching out bricks.

Imagine this: Marshawn Lynch and the Seahawaks win in Chicago and the Packers also win. That means the Seahawks will have home field advantage for the NFC Championship game with a 7-9 record. WTF?!?! hahahaha

Might as well get Marshawn Lynch's rookie card while you can Seahaks fans.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chuck Norris Vs bear

Ok everyone knows that Chuck Norris can kick some ass.

Did you know he can kick a bear's ass?  I did, but I forgot.

How can I forget that Chuck Norris can beat a bears ass and make it whimper while cowering in retreat?  Silly me.

Chuck Norris looks lean and mean in this video.

The bear is a lot bigger than Chuck Norris.  You'll see that even Chuck Norris' shirt is almost as powerful as him because it doesn't even tear when the bear bites or slashes with it's claws.  Awesome!

Chuck Norris vs Bear

Phoenix Jones, a Real Life superhero, was attacked while fighting crime - VIDEO

Phoenix Jones is a self proclaimed superhero in real life.  WTF?  Ok, so this superhero, Phoenix Jones, was cruising around Seattle last Saturday in his costume. Phoenix Jones spotted two guys in a street fight and attempted to break them up. Phoenix Jones was in for a surprise when the two street fighters directed there attacks towards him. One of the men pulled out a gun.  These two guys proceeded to take turns holding down Phoenix Jones and kicking him in the head and face.  The superhero managed to call 911 eventually after his beating.  When asked WTF you thinks you're doing trying to be a superhero, Jones replies, "I am whatever Seattle needs me to be." Then Phoenix hops onto his mountain bike and sped away. Not faster than a speeding bullet mind you.  The video with the full story is below.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The world's most interesting shit

This is hilarious.  For those that are hourly employees I know that they prefer to take dumps while on the clock.  It doesn't really matter for me.  I just want to be comfortable and have my privacy.  We have a handicap stall at work that we call King Stahlman... yes, it's named after the bail bonds guy.  This is the world's most interesting shit.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Most racist commercial in America - Gary's Mattress

Is this racist? Or is it comedic stereotyping? Or is this guy just an idiot? hahaha You make the call. I love when he says:
If you find a mattress at a better price, I'll kick a puppy and punch a kitten just for you!

Would you buy a mattress from Gary's Mattress?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

People get high from foot bath salts?

You can't be serious?!?!  People are getting high from bath salts.  They say it's like meth.  Gross!!!  Who on earth was the first person to try snorting some of these foot soak bath salts?  hahahaha  I don't understand it.

According to Wikipedia, Methylenedioxypyrovalerone hydrochloride is a drug with effects similar to meth and cocaine that is marketed as "bath salts," with names like Cloud 9, Ivory Wave, Ocean, Charge Plus, White Lightning, Scarface, Hurricane Charlie, Red Dove and White Dove. 
I would NEVER!

Uncle spanks kid for "acting hard" on facebook

I could not believe this when I saw it. hahaha  This dude told his nephew to stop "Acting hard" on facebook.  You can tell that the uncle was being serious about the message, but it's hard for me as an outsider not to laugh.  Do people still try to "act hard" online?  Are there gang wars occurring on wall posts right now that we don't know about?  Wait for the end when the uncle tells his nephew to "put that on your fuckin wall". HAHAHA!  I'm pretty sure that the kid did post this video on his wall and that's why we're all able to see it now.

We salute you, uncle!  Now try a nice can of this Ass Kickin' Whoop Ass Chili Mix, 6-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6). hahaha

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This is how sirens sound in France

This is how sirens sound in France. According to a Family Guy episode that is.  HAHAHA  When I first saw this part of episode I could not stop laughing.  It is from  Family Guy, Vol. 9 episode 3.

KFC worker needs an anger management class

Oh man! Take a look at this video of a KFC worker losing his cool behind the counter.  This guy needs some anger management classes.  Maybe he can put on a yoga pant then go get his meditation on at a yoga class.  hahaha

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So I didn't win the Lotto tonight.

How to make a working Rorschach mask with a wife beater

Homemade Rorschach mask? What?  How come I didn't see this before Halloween?  Well if you've seen the movie Watchmen then you'll know exactly what a Rorschach mask is.  Check this out. 

Using Thermochromic paint pigment and clear screen printing base, you can now make an ink blot mask that changes like the character Rorschach from the movie the watchmen. As you breath in and out, the color of the mask changes from black to white wherever the wearer’s breath hits it and warms it to a point above 86 degrees F.

If there is a Watchmen 2 I might be able to bust out this Rorschach mask.